I just returned from an amazing weekend working with Dana Albany at the Box Shop in San Francisco! The Box Shop is a place where many talented metal workers, fountain makers, wood workers, and the artistically inclined come together to work in a space with creative vibes flowing from every angle. As I was there, I was very fortunate to go around Dana’s space in the shop and learn how to use all the tools. I learned how to MIG weld, use a grinder, use a plasma cutter, bend metal, and search through the scrap metal pile for cool pieces! Also my face got COVERED in soot!!!After spending three days working, I was able to create another mini mammoth model I brought home. I was also fortunate enough to work with Tristan Harvey, a creative and extremely talented welder, as well as his adorable dog Roxy. Now that I know all the tools and tricks to the Box Shop, I have a running list of the items I need to collect for our giant space which will hold our very own metal working shop which I will be calling “The Hot Box”. Dana and I also worked on gesture drawings for the mammoth so we can begin working with an engineer to make sure our sculpture is structurally sound. Everything is moving right along!!! 🌈 Happy Pride week as well 🌈